Health Benefits of Fresh Blueberries

Health Benefits

High in Antioxidants

Oxidative DNA damage is a normal part of the aging process, but also contributes to the growth of cancer, which occurs when groups of damaged cells replicate quickly and uncontrollably. Antioxidants are compounds that fight harmful free radicals and provide numerous other health benefits. Blueberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants which not only prevent cell damage, but also protect against several types of chronic disease. When compared with strawberries and blackberries, blueberries not only contain the highest antioxidant capacity, but also more of many specific types of antioxidants, including phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Heart Health

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. accounting for an estimated 32% of all fatalities. High triglycerides, elevated cholesterol and increased blood pressure are just a few major risk factors contributing to heart disease. Studies show that eating blueberries can help reduce some of the risk factors because Blueberries inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce oxidative stress and prevent arterial hardening which causes heart attack and strokes. A high intake of anthocyanins found in blueberries was linked to a 32% lower risk of heart attack.

Brain Health

One of the most impressive health benefits of blueberries is its ability to enhance brain health. Numerous studies have shown that eating blueberries improves memory and cognition. A higher intake of flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries has been associated with better brain function in children, healthy older adults, and adults with some cognitive impairment.

Lower Blood Pressure

Studies have found that blueberries have significant health benefits for people with high blood pressure. Phytochemicals such as anthocyanins improve the function of endothelial cells, which line blood vessels and help blood flow and the regulation of blood pressure.

Alleviate Inflamation

Although inflammation is a normal immune response that helps protect your body from illness and injury, chronic inflations is the root cause of most disease. Inflammation is thought to contribute to a wide range of conditions, including cancer, autoimmune conditions, heart disease and even depression. Thanks to high antioxidant content, blueberries have been shown to have a significant anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Diabetes Management

People with diabetes are sensitive to rapid changes in blood sugar and need to be cautious when they eat foods rich in carbs. Research suggests anthocyanins in blueberries can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which lowers the risk of Type-2 diabetes. Blueberries contain moderate amounts of sugar, but they do not have adverse effects on blood sugar levels, which may be due to their high content of bioactive compounds. Blueberries may also affect blood sugar levels directly after a high-carb meal by blocking certain digestive enzymes and reducing blood sugar spikes.

Muscle Recovery

Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) can increase muscle soreness, reduce muscle strength, and impact overall athletic performance. Athletes can prevent EIMD and reduce their recovery time by eating blueberries which increase the rate of muscle strength recovery and muscle repair as well as reduce oxidative stress.

Bone Health

Blueberries contain several key vitamins and minerals (Iron, Phosphorous, Calcium, Zinc and Vitamin K) that contribute to building and maintaining bone health. Low vitamin K levels have been linked to a higher risk of bone fracture, as Vitamin K intake improves calcium absorption.

Skin Damage Prevention

Collagen, which relies on Vitamin C to function correctly, is what makes the skin elastic and prevents skin damage from the sun’s UV rays and environmental pollution. One serving of blueberries contains nearly a quarter of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C.

Healthy Digestion and Weight Loss

The relatively high fiber content of blueberries can help prevent constipation and maintain a regular digestive system. Getting an adequate amount of fiber in one’s diet can help due to the fact that fiber moves slowly through your digestive tract making you feel satiated for longer which helps reduce overall caloric intake and assists with weight-loss.

Nutritional Information

Blueberries have only 80 calories per cup and virtually no fat. Blueberries have consistently been recognized as the fruit with the highest antioxidant content with one serving containing almost 25% of the daily Vitamin C requirements. Blueberries are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that there are not a lot of calories in blueberries, but they pack a lot of vitamins and minerals. Blueberries nutrition profile is especially high in fiber, vitamin K, manganese and vitamin C.
One cup of raw blueberries contains approximately:

• 80 calories
• 21.4 grams carbohydrates
• 1.1 grams protein
• 0.5 grams fat
• 3.6 grams dietary fiber
• 28.6 micrograms vitamin K (36% DV)
• 0.5 milligram manganese (25% DV)
• 14.4 milligrams vitamin C (24% DV)
• 0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (4% DV)
• 0.1 milligram thiamine (4% DV)
• 0.1 milligram riboflavin (4% DV)
• 0.8 milligram vitamin E (4% DV)
• 0.1 milligram copper (4% DV)

*DV = Daily Values

In addition to the nutrients listed above, blueberries also contain niacin, vitamin A, folate, pantothenic acid, zinc, iron, magnesium and phosphorus as well as other beneficial compounds, including resveratrol, anthocyanin, phytonutrients and pterostilbene. It is this nutritional profile that allows blueberries to provide so many health benefits.

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